Moleskine 與 BUWU 之特別企劃
關於 Moleskine
Moleskine筆記本是兩個世紀以來歐洲藝術家和知識分子所用的傳奇筆記本的繼承者,這些偉大的人物包括文森特·梵高(Van Gogh)、畢卡索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso)、海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)及布魯斯·查特文(Charles Bruce Chatwin)等。時至今日,從最初的筆記本擴展至書寫工具、閱讀配件、背包、數位化筆記用品以及全球四間Moleskine 咖啡店,逐漸融入使用者,創造個人獨特元素。
The Moleskine brand was created in 1997, bringing back to life the legendary notebook used by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries, such as Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and Bruce Chatwin.
Today, Moleskine identifies a vast family of paper objects, smart notebooks and apps, bags, books, travel and digital device accessories and writing tools. Moleskine objects, both analog and digital, connect the owner to a heritage in art, literature and cultural and geographical exploration. They form an ecosystem of tools and services that provide for and connect the visionaries of the past with the makers of the future.
2019年4月BUWU與Moleskine在台北首度碰面,而後飛到位在香港的辦公室討論,挑選了兩款產品Journey hard pouch XS、Journey pen hard pouch進行合作,並經長達數月的修正與製作,才有這次難得的企劃。
❶ 攜帶型硬式收納盒 Journey hard pouch XS
Keep your most essential belongings safe and handy at all times, in your bag or around your wrist.
Ideal for carrying small loose objects such as keys, a memory stick, tickets, receipts or keepsakes.
- 堅固盒身、滑順拉鍊和細緻的表面,同時有防潑水功能。
- 精巧外型,濃縮了你最需要的收納容量,用途多樣且具保護力。
- 附有可拆式提帶,方便攜帶。
- Crossover design with BUWU limited graphic.
- Water repellent hard shell case with smooth zipper and delicate texture.
- A multi-use case for various small objects: coins, earbuds, 3C accessories, keys, pill/vitamin boxes and stationery…etc.
- Attached with one detachable strap.
❷ 長型硬式收納盒 Journey pen hard pouch
Great for storing, securing and sorting pens, pencils and other creative. This Hard Pouch has a sturdy yet tactile and engaging feel.
This functional tool allows you to organize your most essential belongings on the move.
- 具堅固盒身、滑順拉鍊和手感細緻的表面,同時有防潑水功能。
- 具保護力的長型外盒,適合作為眼鏡盒或收納各式文具、筆類。
- Water repellent hard shell case with smooth zipper and delicate texture.
- Long-shape design is suitable for glasses and stationery.